The Mains Family

Monday, March 12, 2007

On the Road Again

The Mains family is traveling, but this time in separate directions. Mom and both babies are headed toward the great state of Ohio for some fun grandma and grandpa time, not to mention an Aunt and a whole bunch of cousins and other sundry relatives and friends! I am on the way to the Promiseland Conference at Willow Creek in Chicago. I hope to be able to post a few times this week and maybe I can get Angela to send a few pics my way (i have a sinking suspicion that there will be lots taken by the above list of people.)

Angela has so far made it to Franklin, TN and is spending the night with my parents and will travel the rest of the way tomorrow, with at least one stop at a McDonald's playplace in central Kentucky. Clayton seems to really enjoy slides, climbing, and running. He is certainly a great mix of Angela and I.

I on the other hand leave Mountaintop tomorrow bright and early with a shuttle load full of children and preschool workers! I am confident that we are going to have some kind of fun!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

da boyz!

Originally uploaded by wormei.
Here is a pic we recently had taken...we are looking forward to both of the boys being 100% alert for pictures. Check out the other pics of the family and some fun ones of Cooper on the accompanying Flickr page!